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Reactive Oxygen Species, Antioxidants and Polyphenols, Karan Maninder

Antioxidants have attracted immense interest of researchers because of their implied role in the protection of biological systems. Though all living organisms possess their own antioxidant defense systems, no one can disregard the importance of dietary or exogenous antioxidants as these have an important role in the prevention of a variety of diseases. Several studies have revealed that polyphenols play an important role in free radical scavenging and therefore produce various biological and pharmacological actions. Some evidence suggests that the biological ... więcej

Criteria and optimum trajectories for sequential decision problem, Mitran Ilie

The book deals with some interesting topics, which are both approached from theoretic and pragmatic point of view. The first chapter focuses on the existence of guaranteed optimum strategies and on the existence of equilibrium points. The second chapter is devoted to the sequential decision problem and provides an overview on optimum behavior for the decision makers which take part in the decision process. There are analyzed optimum criteria of cautious strategic behavior, hazardous strategic behavior and the cooperative case; for each particular situation ... więcej

Endosulfan Impacts on the Developing Chick Embryos, Mobarak Yomn

This book explains the effects of the organochlorine pesticide endosulfan on two embryonic stages (days 6&12) of the chick. It provides experimental methods such as eggs incubation and treatment, histological procedures for skeleton staining and tissue preparations. The book also illustrates the morphological and skeletal descriptions of normal and abnormal chick embryos with emphases on the incidence of external and skeletal malformations following endosulfan treatments. Besides, a complete description of the histological and histopathological characteristics ... więcej

Empirical Analysis of Freeway Traffic Oscillation, Zheng Zuduo

Traffic oscillations are typical features of congested traffic flow that are characterized by recurring decelerations followed by accelerations. However, people have limited knowledge on this complex topic. In this research, 1) the impact of traffic oscillations on freeway crash occurrences has been measured using the matched case-control design. The results consistently reveal that oscillations have a more significant impact on freeway safety than the average traffic states. 2) Wavelet Transform has been adopted to locate oscillations' origins and measure ... więcej

Regelverstoß wider Willen?, Kardel Johanna

Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Fähigkeit der Mitgliedstaaten, europäisches Recht umzusetzen. Gerade im vielschichtigen europäischen Mehrebenensystem ist eine sachgemäße Umsetzung nicht nur von unterschiedlichen Faktoren abhängig, sondern auch eine wichtige Voraussetzung für das Funktionieren der EU. Gemäß der Annahmen des Management-Ansatzes ist Non-Compliance vorrangig auf nationale Vetopositionen zurückzuführen. Das Buch beleuchtet Widersprüche in der Forschung und macht Aussagen zu den ... więcej

Biosystematics and Bioecology of Aphis spireacola Patch, Singh Vinay Kumar

Aphids or plant lice, are small, soft bodied, sucking insects that feed on plant fluids. Heavy infestations reduce plant growth. Honey dew produced by Aphids makes leaves and flowers sticky and acts as a substrate for black sooty fungus. Their tremendous damaging potential related to their high breeding capacity, polymorphism, parthenogenetic and host alteration. About 4700 aphid species are known worldwide. About 803 species/subspecies belonging to 207 genera represents Indian Aphididae. The desert area represents less number of aphids species. The green ... więcej

La Direccion Por Objetivos, P. Rez L. Pez Mar a. Estela

La sociedad ha cambiado, las condiciones socio- políticas, el desarrollo tecnológico, la información acumulada durante años, el crecimiento de las empresas, el protagonismo del hombre y la necesidad de ser eficientes en mundo unipolar y convulso hace encontrar nuevos caminos y adaptar las teorías que anteceden a las nuevas formas de gestión. La administración de empresas ha evolucionado de forma radical, los postulados científicos desde Taylor y Fayol de inicio del siglo XX han devenido en el profundamente ... więcej

Personalbeschaffung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Gravina Roberta

Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war neben der Analyse der Methoden der Personalbeschaffung, die Identifikation der äußeren Einflüsse der Personalarbeit in Deutschland und in den EU-Mitgliedsländern. Der Blick auf das Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Mitgliedsstaaten verdeutlicht die wirtschaftlichen Unterschiede. Die demografische Entwicklung, als weiterer wichtiger Einflussfaktor wird ebenfalls einer näheren Betrachtung unterzogen. Hier zeigt sich, dass nicht alle Länder mit einem Rückgang der Bevölkerung rechnen müssen. Dennoch ... więcej

Motivational Factors and Job Satisfaction, Abbas Ali

Job satisfaction is broadly discussed in the context of organizational behavior. Many works perform on the job satisfaction that decreases the rate of turnover and absenteeism. Many researcher focuses on the organizational behavior have assigned broad reflection of job satisfaction of employee, organization performance and motivation. The above mention three variables are interdependent. The relations among motivation, job satisfaction and organizational performance can be observed: Sometime the employees are not motivated by the same variables. Some ... więcej

Remo, Oliveira da Silva Junior Gil

O respeito com as características do desenvolvimento e individualidade em crianças e jovens sempre foi e será uma grande área de estudo, porém quando esta temática é transferida para o contexto do esporte de alto rendimento, ou seja, com a temática do talento esportivo ou os sistemas de identificação de novos e potenciais atletas, se é necessário ter uma reflexão sobre com estes indivíduos estão recebendo estímulos de treino compatíveis com ... więcej

A Component Testing Approach Supported by a Case Tool, Raposo Da Camara Silva Fernando

The reuse of assets instead of building them from scratch, a process generally known as software reuse, can be considered a good option of competitive advantage for software development companies. In this context, component-based development has been one of the most used techniques applied to promote software reuse, establishing a promising component market. However, the main consolidate methods to develop components are more aware in demonstrating component development as a feasible approach and some important activities, for example, related to quality ... więcej

Competitive Balance in der Formel 1, Kreitmair Adrian

Seit dem Beginn in den fünfziger Jahren hat sich die Formel 1 zu einem weltweiten, riesigen Ereignis entwickelt. Durch Einflussfaktoren wie die "Medialisierung" und die zunehmende Anzahl an Rennevents in verschiedensten Ländern dieser Welt wurden zwar generell höhere Einkommen generiert. Gleichzeit stiegen jedoch auch die Kosten für die Teams. Die ungleich erhöhten Budgets der teilnehmenden Rennställe in der Formel 1 zeigen nachweislich einen fortwährenden Einfluss auf die Leistung und die sportliche Ergebnisse. Diese Problematik ... więcej

Information based Decision Making in NGOs - Gaza Strip, Nassar Akram Hasan

This study examined the extent to which local health NGOs follow an evidence-based decision making approach through using HIS. This census study utilized descriptive, analytical cross sectional design with a quantitative approach. Two interviewed questionnaires were used for data collection from two diverse sources; the NGO and its managers. Low performance was found regarding the use of indicators and in the HIS data sources whereas HIS data management and the information dissemination and use in decision making showed high results. Lesser performance ... więcej

Sustainability Driven Service Innovation, Lu Chaoren

Along with the rapid economic development and the improvement of living condition, the number of automobiles has increased rapidly. To resolve the traffic increasing related problems and create a sustainable public transport system, it is essential to invest the resources based on the social, economic and environmental perspectives. Then it is important to understand how the sustainability concept influences the transport-related decision making, which results in an innovative way to optimize the service operation process, especially in a newly industrial ... więcej

Greyfernye mekhanizmy, Slavin Boris

Rassmotreny razlichnye konstruktsii greyfernykh mekhanizmov,oblast' ikh primeneniya. Podrobno izlozhena teoriya protsessa zacherpyvaniya s uchetom vliyaniya skorosti dvizheniya nozha chelyusti i metody rascheta kanatnykh greyfernykh mekhanizmov, primenyaemykh dlya mekhanizatsii pogruzo-razgruzochnykh rabot v razlichnykh otraslyakh. V monografiyu vklyucheny materialy teoreticheskikh i eksperimental'nykh issledovaniy napryazhennogo sostoyaniya sypuchikh i svyaznykh sred pri intensivnom vnedrenii i sdvige s uchetom skorosti protsessov i peremennoy massy sdvigaemogo ... więcej

The Role Of Music in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, Voit Simone

Marshall McLuhan argues that "the content of any medium is always another medium". In this work film music is regarded as a medium that is part of the medium film. The music used in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill is recycled and put into a new context, thus creating new meaning. The pre-existent soundtracks and pop songs already carry with them an outer cinematic context that then influences the reuse of them. Remediation, as David Jay Bolter has coined the term, also takes place on the relationship level of music and film.

TOC Approach for Supply Chain Performance Enhancement, Ainapur Brijesh

TOC approach for supply chain performance enhancement is a new methodology adopted along with mathematical tool goal programming for optimisation of existing resources rather than creating a new resource. This method helps in prioritising of operational attributes, comparing with best bench marks and filling of the gaps in the existing system. This study also gives guidelines in selecting the appropriate models for performance measurement in the organisation.

Analysis of Genetic Data via Data Mining, Tunaboylu Sezin

The prediction of the complete structure of genes is one of the important tasks of bioinformatics. A crucial part in gene structure prediction is to determine the splice sites in the coding region. Identification of splice sites depends on the precise recognition of the boundaries between exons and introns of a given DNA sequence. In this book, a new Weighted Position Specific Scoring Method (WPSSM) is explained to recognize splice sites which uses a position-specific scoring matrix constructed by nucleotide base frequencies and uses the genetic algorithm ... więcej

Rotors mounted on Fluid Film Bearings, Kalita Madhumita

Stability analysis of high-speed machinery based on rigid rotor model mounted on rigid supports was found to be inadequate for stability predictions. But in actual practise bearings have some flexibility. Stiffness and damping properties of fluid film bearings alter the critical speeds of a rotor. Dynamic coefficients of fluid film bearing are dependent on speed, geometry of the bearing and other operating conditions. Plain circular bearings do not suit the stability requirements of high-speed machines and precision machine tools. Alternate bearing designs ... więcej

Metamorphosis, Serna Cifuentes Ilse Bellariht

Ezzy has had a complicated life, always. Things don't get better for her when she comes back home to find that her step-sister threw a party in which she's killed. From that day forth, everything Ezzy knew will go to hell and become a new life. She moves in with her mother, whom she's only met by pictures and a few phone calls due to court orders; and her mother's new family, whom don't like her very much. When her mother is kidnapped, she has to take care of her three step-siblings, get rid of her step-father, and find out about the biggest secret she never ... więcej

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