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Dad in a Cheer Bow, Riccards Patrick
For Today, Hembree Carolyn

Cheer dad! The incredible lessons from this middle-aged man learned coaching a team of tween girls. When Patrick first became a "boy cheer coach" a few ... więcej

A revelatory collection of poems set in the Gulf South, Carolyn Hembree's For Today chronicles the experience of a woman who becomes a mother shortly ... więcej

Einleitung In Die Englische Philosophie Unserer Zeit (1889), Hoffding Harald
New Beginnings by the Sunflower Cliffs, Troy Georgina

""Einleitung in die Englische Philosophie unserer Zeit"" ist ein Buch von Harald Hoffding, das erstmals 1889 ver������ffentlicht ... więcej

People say that it's hard not to fall in love living on the sunny island of Jersey, but for Bea Philips, still reeling from a divorce and the loss of ... więcej

Dictionarium Grolandico-Danico-Latinum, Egede Paulo
Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials, Feuerbach Anselm Ritter Von

Dictionarium Grolandico-Danico-Latinum: Complectens Primitiva Cum Suis Derivatis, editum anno MDCCXLVIII a Paulo Egede, est opus lexicographicum quod verba ... więcej

“Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials” is a 1846 work by Paul Johann Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach that looks at a variety of interesting ... więcej

Effective Approaches For Background Subtraction Using Model-Based Methods, Kumar Tadiparthi Pavan
How To Get A Man To Cherish You...If You're His Wife, Labossiere Stephan

Image processing concerns with the extraction and processing of images from various sources across the globe. Image analysis, a subset of image processing ... więcej

Being his wife is only the beginning...  Do you long to be adored, treasured, valued, and held dear by your husband? It’s not too late! How ... więcej

The A to Z of Iran, Lorentz John H.
Shepherd My Thoughts (1918), Donnelly Francis Patrick

The A to Z of Iran is designed to give the reader a quick and understandable overview of specific events, movements, people, political and social groups ... więcej

Shepherd My Thoughts is a book written by Francis Patrick Donnelly and first published in 1918. The book is a collection of essays and reflections on various ... więcej

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