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The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy, Greene H. Leon

Defeat was looming for the South--as the Civil War continued, paths to possible victory were fast disappearing. Dr. Luke Pryor Blackburn, a Confederate physician and expert in infectious diseases, had an idea that might turn the tide: he would risk his own life and career to bring a yellow fever epidemic to the North. To carry out his mission, he would need some accomplices. Tracing the plans and movements of the conspirators, this thoroughly researched history describes in detail the yellow fever plot of 1864-1865.

An Introduction to Hmong Culture, Cha Ya Po

Presenting a holistic perspective of the Hmong way of life, this book touches on every aspect of the Hmong culture, including an overview of their history and traditions, relationships between Hmong parents and their children, the rites and traditions of Hmong wedding and funeral ceremonies, the celebration of the Hmong New Year, home restrictions and other superstitious taboos, arts and politics. The book features and explains many Hmong words, phrases and proverbs. Instructors considering this book for use in a course may request an examination ... więcej

Bitwa Warszawska,

Odzyskanie przez Polskę niepodległości w listopadzie 1918 r. było wstępem do ostatecznej rozgrywki o jej granice i pełną suwerenność. Szczególnie wielką batalię przyszło Polakom toczyć o granice odrodzonego państwa. Walczono z Ukraińcami o Galicję Wschodnią i Wołyń, z Niemcami o Wielkopolskę i Śląsk, z Litwinami o Wileńszczyznę i Suwalszczyznę Południową, z Czechosłowacją o Śląsk Cieszyński ... więcej

Stalin's Last War, Levine Alan J.

Often referred to as "The Forgotten War," the Korean War was the only post-World War II combat between major powers. According to evidence provided in this study, it was also a crucial episode of the Cold War--more crucial, perhaps, than the war in Vietnam. This military and political history of the Korean War endeavors to give a fresh and less than fashionable account of the war. Utilizing both immediately postwar impressions and newly available evidence from Communist sources, it places the events in Korea into the larger framework of the early ... więcej

British Fortifications Through the Reign of Richard III, Lepage Jean-Denis G.G.

From the time the Romans first set foot on England's shore in 55 B.C., the British Isles have faced a constant threat of foreign invasion. As a result, the landscapes of England, Scotland, and Ireland are dotted with ancient defensive fortifications as varied as their makers. Iron Age Celtic "hill forts," Roman castra and Hadrian's Wall, Anglo-Saxon dykes and Alfredian burhs, Norman mottes and stone-keeps, Edwardian castles, Irish tower houses--they all served to repel ancient intruders and many still stand as tangible relics of a remarkable past. ... więcej

The rise of devils, Crossland James

A vivid account of the rise of terrorism in the late nineteenth century and the hysterical media response it provoked

Jak przeżyć w starożytnym Egipcie, Booth Charlotte
Towar czasowo niedostępny

Teby są wyraźnie przedzielone Nilem – żywi zajmują wschodni brzeg, a martwi zachodni. W małym, czteropokojowym domu o powierzchni 40 metrów kwadratowych żyje nawet 12 osób. Mało tego – większość osób ma w domu jeszcze osobną kaplicę. Wybór różnych rodzajów chleba jest niemal tak bogaty, jak współcześnie. Kobiety, mężczyźni, królowe i bogowie w Egipcie używają na co dzień wielu kosmetyków. ... więcej

die Uniformen der Braun-hemden, von Getting Hauptmann A. D. Freiherr
Towar czasowo niedostępny

The uniforms of the Brown Shirts: SA, SS, Political Leaders, Hitler Youth, Jungvolk and BDM: with the approval of the Reich leadership and after review by the Supreme SA leadership. With 239 clear illustrations, mainly in colour, this is a contemporary source that was intended for the German population at large to recognise 'the soldiers of the Brown Army', as the foreword of this pre-war guide called the paramilitary organisation whose methods of violent intimidation played such a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power. This is an encyclopaedic German language reference ... więcej

Letters from my Grandfather, Manzano Juventino
Towar czasowo niedostępny

My grandfather, went from one side of the globe to the other on board LST 534, which saw action in two of the worst battlefields of World War II, the Invasion of Normandy, and the Invasion of Okinawa. I have attempted to put this story together from the perspective of my grandfather through his letters to his parents and other ephemera from the midst of the conflagration.

Ukraińskie stulecie 1914-2014, Olszański Tadeusz Andrzej

Książka Tadeusza A. Olszańskiego to zbiór szkiców, o historii i współczesności Ukrainy, poczynając od centrum kraju – kijowskiego Majdanu Niezależności przez wędrówkę po dziejach ukraińskiej rewolucji niepodległościowej sprzed stu lat i odzyskania niepodległości w 1991 r. po próbę zjednoczenia Kościołów prawosławnych Ukrainy. Czytelnik znajdzie tu też szkice poświęcone najważniejszym toposom współczesnej ... więcej

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