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Babyless Boomers, Rich Toni

The agony of empty nests is alleviated with the help of a school nurse and a lawyer who partner to customize adoptions. They try to match up young people over the age of 18 to specifications of the desired couple...usually by coloring or ethnicity....or both. The solicited couple get financial remuneration and in some cases, a scholarship for college. It went along well until a legal problem reared its ugly head...putting both the lawyer and nurse into the arms of the law.

Our Hye Life, Fanok Mara Sarkisian

As the only living member of the second generation of her immigrant Armenian (Hye) family to come to America, Mara Sarkisian Fanok did not want the memories of their courage to be forgotten. Our Hye Life begins with the massacre of Armenians under the rule of Sultan Hamid, the Ottoman Emperor, leaving the author's father and his sister orphans. It was a tragic time, and their survival was a testament to their courage and faith. By the time Mara was born, her family had been in America for over twenty years, and much of her knowledge of the Hye life is based ... więcej

One Day at a Time, Wise Bonnie Shetters

Love and inspiration combine to give the reader a bird's eye view of a young couple's daily conflicts and how they overcome all. Walk One Day at a Time with Jackie and Bonnie as true love endures. You will find yourself laughing at the incidents in their lives as well as heartfelt emotion as they face trials hard to imagine, and you will wonder how their commitment and trust in an all-caring, all-knowing God can withstand all. In One Day At A Time, Author Bonnie Wise tells the story of how health, monetary problems and family death are overcome in ways one ... więcej

My Parents Are Dead, But I Still Wish They'd Change, Parsons Christine

I am the product of estrangement. My childhood journey finds a heart-wrenching repetition in the present. Adult child estrangement is a lesson in the power of the human spirit. It is amazing how the willingness to survive can deliver us to a sense of purpose. This is a story about the search for personal truth. It is raw and honest. I openly discuss the debilitating circumstances that brought me to my knees. I share the grave moments when I lost myself because I allowed someone else to define me. It is a tale that finds me rising from the ashes with the ... więcej

Just a Piece of Me, McIntyre Diana

It was supposed to quench his thirst- nothing like a cool, refreshing glass of lemonade. Sister Net hands it to him. Once Brother Bubba tastes it, he knows that his sister has pulled another one of her pranks……   The grass burns out of control. Toots and Ron Pipe stand transfixed as they watch the huge flames approach the family home…….   It appears in the distance as a little black dot. The dot becomes a looming shadow as it moves across the field connected to the Spears home. The siblings seek shelter, but notice ... więcej

Bisogno di attaccamento e paura della solitudine nelle relazioni di coppia, Yaman Neslihan

Lo scopo principale di questo libro è indagare la relazione tra il bisogno di attaccamento nelle relazioni strette/romantiche e la paura della solitudine. In questo contesto, è stata innanzitutto esaminata la letteratura correlata, che fornisce informazioni di base sull'argomento della ricerca. Poiché è fondamentale comprendere la relazione tra due atti (bisogno di attaccamento-paura della solitudine), la revisione della letteratura comprende gli stili di attaccamento degli adulti e il bisogno di attaccamento nelle relazioni romantiche/vicine ... więcej

Bits and Pieces, Burlingame Vicki Reynolds

We all have stories to tell! Our life stories can be joyful or filled with sorrow. Inspirational, thought-provoking, comical. They can be poetry or prose. One-liners or Scripture verses. The stories of our lives help us to make sense of the world in which we live. They give us hope, a feeling of belonging, and remind us of who we are in this journey we call life.

Implementazione delle neuroscienze nel trattamento della recidiva giovanile, Grisham (Psy D.) Dr. Jeffrey L.

Le neuroscienze, sotto forma di terapie di biofeedback, hanno dimostrato miglioramenti nel funzionamento cognitivo e una riduzione generale dei sintomi negativi della salute mentale. Il dottor Grisham presenta le neuroscienze come un trattamento basato sull'evidenza che dimostra miglioramenti nei comportamenti delinquenziali dei giovani. In questo modo, la strategia rafforza la capacità di controllo cognitivo delle influenze negative sulla mente, come traumi, abusi sessuali, ambienti di vita instabili. Tali capacità, quindi, sono in grado di ... więcej

Evolution of a Frightened Child into a Serial Killer, M. Dowling Ph.D. Robert

A frightened preadolescent child becomes a frightening killer of women.

Faith, Hope & Perseverance, Gray Diane

It is our human right to know who we are. After her adoptive parents passed away, Diane decided to take the DNA plunge to find her biological family. Learn how she found her biological family after years of wondering who she was and why she was born. With the help of a search angel, science and technology a lifetime of questions were about to be answered. Christmas, 2018 is just the beginning of her emotional journey to connect with her family.

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