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Домалюй та розфарбуй! Допомагати художникові працювати над цією книжкою охоче зголосилися троє ... więcej

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Шоста книга серії. Вже незабаром різдвяні канікули. Емі та її друзі візьмуть участь у святковому ... więcej

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Кіт Потап завітав до свого друга, пса Бровка на іменини. Друзі стали бавитися і, коли схаменулися ... więcej

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Хтозна, що там ховається за дверима? Може, вогнедихий дракон чи монстрик? Але це якщо дивишся у щілинку ... więcej

Noughts & Crosses, Blackman Malorie

Stop it! You're all behaving like animals! Worse than animals - like blankers!' Sephy is a Cross: she lives a life of privilege and power. But she's lonely, and burns with injustice at the world she sees around her. Callum is a nought: he's considered to be less than nothing - a blanker, there to serve Crosses - but he dreams of a better life. They've been friends since they were children, and they both know that's as far as it can ever go. Noughts and Crosses are fated to be bitter enemies - love is out of the question. Then - in spite of a world ... więcej

Chosen methods determining flow parameters based on non-invasive techniques, Mosorov Volodymyr

The monograph presents a review of classical and a presentation of new methodologies of non-invasive (non-contact) flow measurement techniques of nultiphase media and a number of algorithms applicable in the field. The discussed methods are mainly based on the statistical analysis of collected measurement data, e.g. from electrical tomography systems or systems based on the tracking of radioactive particles. The work is very valuable and interesting, because it provides comprehensive knowledge on selected aspects of process tomography. It is therefore a ... więcej

Nietzsche and Wittgenstein, Ronen Shoshanna

This book focuses on a number of questions that occupied Nietzsche ans Wittenstein and reveals in what way the two philosophers, who are quite different in temperament, do actually share much in common. It is explained that in their philosophies the method is one: philosophy should act as therapy, creativity and the work of art. The strategy is one: destructionism is the first step destruction of metaphisics, purifying of our language and our concepts in order to remove the ‘shadows of God’. The style of both philosophers is similar: non-systematic ... więcej

Studies in Oriental Art and Culture in Honour,

Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Anny Parzymies Zbiór artykułów z dziedziny językoznawstwa, historii i sztuki uczonych z najważniejszych ośrodków orientalistycznych Europy i Stanów Zjednoczonych. Artykuły napisane są w językach: angielskim, rosyjskim, włoskim, niemieckim i francuskim. Książkę opublikowano dla uczczenia wieloletniej działalności naukowej i dydaktycznej profesora Tadeusza Majdy, turkologa z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Professor Tadeusz Majda ... więcej

Dandelions, Kawabata Yasunari

The exquisite last novel from Nobel Prize-winning author Yasunari Kawabata Ineko has lost the ability to see things. At first it was a ping-pong ball, then it was her fiancé. The doctors call it 'body blindness', and she is placed in a psychiatric clinic to recover. As Ineko's mother and fiancé walk along the riverbank after visiting time, they wonder: is her condition a form of madness - or an expression of love? Exploring the distance between us, and what we say without words, Kawabata's transcendent final novel is the last word from a ... więcej

The Beauty of Living Twice, Stone Sharon

Sharon Stone tells her own story: a journey of healing, love and purpose. She was one of the most renowned actresses in the world-until a massive stroke cost her not only her health, but her career, family, fortune and global fame. In The Beauty of Living Twice, Sharon Stone chronicles her efforts to rebuild her life, and the slow road back to wholeness and health. In an industry that doesn't accept failure, in a world where too many voices are silenced, Stone found the power to return, the courage to speak up, and the will to make a difference in the lives ... więcej

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