ksiazka tytuł: According to Plan autor: Kovitz Rob

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According to Plan

Wersja papierowa
Autor: Kovitz Rob
Wydawnictwo: Treyf Books
ISBN: 978-19-279-2311-5
Format: 14.8x21.0cm
Liczba stron: 670
Oprawa: Miękka
Wydanie: 2014 r.
Język: angielski

Dostępność: aktualnie niedostępny
181,20 zł
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<i>"Clearly, someone had to have a </i><b><i>plan</i></b><i>, an idea, a beginning &hellip;"</i><br />
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&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp &ndash; John McCabe, Stickleback<br />
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<i>"What's the </i><b><i>plan</i></b><i>?"</i><br />
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&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp &ndash; youtube, Battlestar Actors Lay Out the <b>Plan</b><br />
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Canadian author-artist Rob Kovitz is the creator of Treyf Books, inventive montage book projects that juxtapose texts and images collected from widely varied sources. Centered around a certain theme, he then recombines these findings to form new works of imagination that are at once multivalent and surprisingly cohesive. Kovitz's latest super-cut bookwork, <i>According to </i><b><i>Plan</i></b><i>,</i> begins with his interest in the word "<b>plan</b>," and every text selection includes the word "<b>plan</b>." The result is a funny, disquieting, and thought-provoking exploration of the human obsession with making <b>plans</b>.<br />
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About the Author<br />
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Rob Kovitz's previous bookworks include <i>Pig City Model Farm, Room Behavior, Games Oligopolists Play, Death Wish Starring Charles Bronson Architect, Capital of the World, </i>and<i> Ice Fishing in Gimli</i>, which was awarded the Art Gallery of York University's Artists' Book of the Moment Award in 2010. In 2011, Kovitz was chosen one of <i>Broken Pencil</i> magazine's 50 all-time favorite indie artists, and in 2014, Treyf Books is celebrating its 25th anniversary with the publication of <i>According to </i><b><i>Plan</i></b>.