ksiazka tytuł: PLUNDERLAND autor: Newham Mark

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China, Africa and a madcap Irish treasure hunt
Wersja papierowa
Autor: Newham Mark
Wydawnictwo: MoriartiMedia.com
ISBN: 978-09-926625-7-8
Format: 12.7x20.3cm
Liczba stron: 274
Oprawa: Miękka
Wydanie: 2018 r.
Język: angielski

Dostępność: dostępny
47,30 zł

<p><strong>PLUNDERLAND is the story of Ireland&#39;s colonisation of Africa.</strong></p><p>Not really. It&#39;s about China&#39;s.</p><p>But there is a connection. Ireland&#39;s answer to Stanley and Livingstone have something China wants and will pay any price to get. Without it, Africa&#39;s latest colonial invader will never become undisputed master of the universe.</p><p>How though to seal the deal? Hopelessly out of their deal-making depth and teetering precariously on the edge of financial ruin, Kearney and Ryan know this could be their Waterloo. Get this one wrong and they&#39;ll likely never see their homeland again.</p><p>But get it right and they&#39;ll be home free. Out of Africa at last to enjoy the fruits of their dubious exploits at their leisure.</p><p>In Africa so long they&#39;re becoming choc-ices in reverse, this, they&#39;re under no illusion, is their final throw of the fortune-hunting dice. Africa has had the best of them and both know this is their last hurrah. Their last chance to atone for a lifetime of failing to unearth the crock of gold they came to Africa to find.</p><p>So this time things have to be different. This time uncharted depths have to be plumbed. This time both know they have to break the habit of a lifetime and do some planning.</p><p>Unable to recall when watertight was last used to describe a Kearney/Ryan money-making escapade&nbsp;it&#39;s a tough ask.</p><p>But finally they&#39;re ready.</p><p>In their hands is a plan covering every base, foreseeing every eventuality, envisaging every likely Chinese scamming angle.</p><p>With every possible route to disaster closed off what could possibly go wrong?</p><p>What indeed.</p><p>CAUTION: PLUNDERLAND IS AFRICA IN THE RAW. CONTAINED IN ITS PAGES IS SOMETHING TO OFFEND EVERYBODY. SO THOSE OF A SENSITIVE DISPOSITION MIGHT CARE TO LOOK AWAY NOW. OTHERWISE... ENJOY!</p>