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DIY Internet Pornography: Do-It-Yourself Treatment Guide for Men
Wersja papierowa
Autor: Watts Phillp
ISBN: 978-09-7560-423-6
Format: 14.0x21.6cm
Liczba stron: 270
Wydanie: 2014 r.
Język: angielski

Dostępność: dostępny
146,10 zł

The Internet is a rapidly expanding domain. It has many positive benefits but it also has a dark side. Increasingly people are seeking treatment and advice for their addiction to pornography. While for some people the problems involve illegal behaviour, many men seek help for excessive and repeated use of readily available adult pornography. Because of their use patterns, they are bringing problems into their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
Dr Phil Watts is a psychologist who has developed a self-treatment guide is for men who have excessive Internet pornography use which is causing problems in their lives. This book is designed to be a toolkit full of practical skills and exercises to assist in addressing the problem. The reader will find out about the nature and extent of Internet-based problems; Examine the legal, moral and social consequences of excessive use; explore the spiritual impacts of the behaviour (for those of a religious nature); work through 60 exercises to reprogram to brain functioning and change habit behaviours; and gain an understanding of the impact of excessive pornography use upon the partner.