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Znaleziono 645959 pasujących rekordów dla kryteriów wyszukiwania << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 > >>
The Sword and the Cross, Grant Robert M.
Unida a los Ciborgs, Goodwin Grace

Throughout the early centuries of Christianity, the Roman government continually tried to suppress the new religion. Ultimately it failed, but only after ... więcej

La agente del FBI Kristin Webster ha pasado los últimos ocho años rastreando y capturando a lo peor de la humanidad. Ha visto tantas cosas ... więcej

CA19.9 dans la différenciation de l'ict?re obstructif bénin et malin, Azam Mohammad Golam
Women Wealth Winners, Jackson Edna Catherine

L'antigène glucidique sérique 19-9 (CA 19-9), marqueur tumoral des tumeurs malignes de l'appareil hépatobiliaire et du pancréas ... więcej

Women Wealth Winners: Or How Women Can Earn Money is a book written by Edna Catherine Jackson in 1893. The book is a guide for women who want to earn money ... więcej

Machine Interval Experiments, Sainudiin Raazesh
The Interaction between Task and Team, Hellenthal Alex

A statistical experiment provides a framework for statistical inference, including hypothesis testing and parameter estimation ... więcej

Almost every organisation and their employees work in teams. Often, autonomous teams are presented and implemented as being the best practice for increased ... więcej

Bounty Hunters, The, Leonard Elmore

In the summer of 2006 two books attacking string theory, a prominent theory in physics, appeared: Peter Woit's 'Not Even Wrong' and Lee Smolin's ... więcej

Teenage Romance, K. M. Marsh M. Marsh
Risoluzione ONU 1325, Boi Desmond

This book contains several short stories about the simple, innocent romance between a boy and a girl that reflects a much simpler time. A time when just ... więcej

Il 31 ottobre 2000, il Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato la Risoluzione 1325 del Consiglio di Sicurezza (UNSCR) su Donne, Pace e Sicurezza ... więcej

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