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Exergaming in der Gesundheitsförderung und der Rehabilitation, Harb Bettina

This anthology features the poetry of young Urdu poets who rose to prominence in the twentieth century's sixth decade. The poems in this book still retain ... więcej

Industrialisierte Gesellschaften sind mit einer stets wachsenden Anzahl an älteren Menschen konfrontiert. Durch die Innovation der Bewegungserkennung ... więcej

The Picture of Dorian Gray (Study Guide & Workbook), Hunter Abby Leigh
Le processus de gestion budgétaire, Morales Escandón Rigoberto Antonio

This Study Guide ' Workbook for The Picture of Dorian Gray is designed for classroom use by English, literature, and writing students, as well as leisure ... więcej

La formation de l'être humain est fondamentale pour le développement personnel et collectif, le développement des capacités ... więcej

TULWA Philosophy - A Unified Path, Tindejuv Frank-Thomas
The Discovery of the North-West Passage by HMS Investigator, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, McClure Robert John Le Mesurier

TULWA Philosophy - A Unified Path Discover the power within the void and embark on a journey of profound transformation with "TULWA Philosophy ... więcej

Vegan Cookbooks, Michaels Samantha
Make an eBook, Boxwell Michael

There are lots of great vegetarian cookbooks, but this one is a little different, dare I say better? I am Samantha Michaels and I love to cook.

Creating an eBook and publishing for Kindle and other e-readers is straightforward, fun and profitable, but if you have never done it before, it can also ... więcej

Software Engineering, Barbudhe Vishwajit K.
Imaging in Endodontics, Shukla Aastha

The book contains: Main approaches to Introductory concepts: Introduction, definition, objectives, Life cycle - Requirements analysis and specification. ... więcej

Radiology illuminates what otherwise would be dark and hidden zones, and allows the dentists to visualize areas not accessible by other diagnostic means. ... więcej

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