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Sistema de Informacion Gerencial Para Recursos Humanos, P. Rez De Garc a. Maria Graciela
Madness and marginality, Jackson Will

Los Recursos Humanos de la Administración Pública Venezolana, están circunscritos en un amplio Marco legal que exige de principios ... więcej

Based on over 250 psychiatric case files, this book traces the lives of Kenya's 'white insane' to focus not on the 'great white hunters' and heroic pioneer ... więcej

Towar czasowo niedostępny
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, Mackenzie Donald A.

Depuis la nuit des temps, les scientifiques et les chercheurs sont fascinés par les propriétés uniques du cerveau. Il est constitué ... więcej

Myths of Babylonia and Assyria is a comprehensive collection of ancient Mesopotamian myths and legends, compiled and written by the renowned Scottish historian ... więcej

Towar czasowo niedostępny
Control ALT Delete, Young J. Steven
C. S. Lewis at Poets' Corner,

Magic is growing in the world and Colby Stevens is beginning to find that there are those around him who wish to use his connection to the source for ... więcej

On the fiftieth anniversary of his death, C. S. Lewis was memorialized in Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey, taking his place beside the greatest names ... więcej

Essential Tibetan Buddhism (Revised), Thurman Robert A
Walks Alone, Rog Sandi

WINNER OF THE TRICYCLE PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE Expertly and lucidly surveying the basic varieties and teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, renowned scholar Robert ... więcej

A Cheyenne warrior bent on vengeance. A pioneer woman bent on fulfilling a dream. Until their paths collide. After fleeing her abusive uncle, ... więcej

Historical Memory in Greece, 1821-1930, Koulouri Christina
The Politics of Community Crime Prevention, Bradley Trevor

This book presents a social and cultural history of collective memory in modern Greece during the first century of state independence, contributing to ... więcej

In New Zealand, following a radical restructure of its machinery of state, new strategies of crime control have been developed. Under the banner of ... więcej

Towar czasowo niedostępny
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