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Cambio Climatico En La Politica Internacional, Lom Naco Busto Alana Patricia

El trabajo aborda la temática de las negociaciones multilaterales desde la perspectiva de la conformación y evolución de los regímenes internacionales de protección del medioambiente. En este marco, el eje rector de la investigación apunta a revelar que en ciertas negociaciones ambientales los enfoques que pretenden explicar su dinámica en términos de bloques Norte-Sur pueden resultar demasiado simplistas. Dichos abordajes pueden dejar de lado una multiplicidad de factores que contribuyen a determinar ... więcej

Notes from Out of the Shadows, June Garnet

For decades, every aspect of Garnet June's life, including her sexual life, was controlled by her father, "The Prophet," until she, her husband, and ten of her children were able to escape. Into what, she did not know-she had never driven a car, seen a movie, or managed money, and she had been taught that life on the outside was to be feared. She overcame that fear. And now, years after her imprisonment in the commune, she tells her own story. Notes from Out of the Shadows: Word Snapshots of a Mind Journey presents life as lived without condemnation. ... więcej

The Last Man, Deutermann P. T.
Osobennosti kul'turnoy globalizatsii v RF, Kushnir Vadim

V predstavlennoy monografii rassmotren aktual'nyy v nastoyashchee vremya protsess razvitiya sovremennykh kul'turnykh otnosheniy, protekayushchiy v usloviyakh globalizatsii. Prodemonstrirovany sushchnostnye storony fenomena kul'turnoy globalizatsii, faktory, ego obuslavlivayushchie. Naryadu s etim, rassmotrena spetsifika dinamiki kul'turnoy globalizatsii i glokalizatsii v RF. Krome togo, privoditsya otsenka vliyaniya oboznachennogo protsessa na vzaimootnosheniya mezhdu institutom gosudarstva i mestnogo samoupravleniya v rossiyskoy deystvitel'nosti. Dannaya ... więcej


In der Perspektive, mögliche Sprachen für den effizienten Unterricht des Faches Moderne Fremdsprache vorzustellen, sucht diese Studie nach Wegen, die englische Sprache unter anderen Themen oder pädagogischen Vorurteilen zu unterrichten, die noch nicht durch den Konservatismus in unserem Bildungsmodell strukturiert sind, und sich dabei von künstlerischen Sprachen als Moderatoren in diesem Prozess inspirieren zu lassen. Im Lichte einiger Theoretiker zeigt sie die sprachlichen Ursprünge und Einflüsse anderer Sprachen auch als mögliche ... więcej

Necesidades Psicológicas de los Jugadores de Fútbol, Martins Henrique

Con este trabajo pretendemos evaluar un conjunto de capacidades (variables) psicológicas que, según el análisis de la literatura, interfieren en el rendimiento deportivo de los jugadores de fútbol: cohesión de grupo, motivación, ansiedad, autoconfianza y atención/concentración. En el transcurso de la búsqueda bibliográfica (efectuada por nosotros mismos) en diversos estudios realizados en el ámbito de la psicología del deporte, encontramos varios instrumentos de evaluación ... więcej

Sadness and Happiness, Pinsky Robert

From Sadness and Happiness: Poems by Robert Pinsky : CEREMONY FOR ANY BEGINNING Robert Pinsky Against weather, and the random Harpies--mood, circumstance, the laws Of biography, chance, physics-- The unseasonable soul holds forth, Eager for form as a renowned Pedant, the emperor's man of worth, Hereditary arbiter of manners. Soul, one's life is one's enemy. As the small children learn, what happens Takes over, and what you were goes away. They learn it in sardonic soft Comments of the weather, when it sharpens The hard surfaces of daylight: light ... więcej

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В этой книге рассматривается роль генетического полиморфизма в токсичности, связанной с приемом ... więcej

Travels In The Interior Of Africa (Volume II), Park Mungo

Travels In The Interior Of Africa (Volume II): Edited By Henry Morley (In Two Volumes - Vol. II.) This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements ... więcej

The Ways Of The South Seas Savage (1914), Williamson Robert Wood

""The Ways of the South Seas Savage"" is a non-fiction book written by Robert Wood Williamson and published in 1914. The book is an anthropological study of the indigenous people of the South Pacific islands, specifically focusing on their customs, beliefs, and way of life. The author draws from his personal experiences and observations during his travels throughout the region, as well as from the works of other explorers and scholars. The book covers a range of topics, including religion, social organization, warfare, and art. It also provides insight into ... więcej

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