Lista tytułów z wydawnictwa "Cosimo"

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The Prince, Machiavelli Niccol?
National System of Political Economy, List Friedrich

"It is better to be feared than to be loved, if you can not be both." -Niccolò Machiavelli,   The Prince , 1503 Italian philosopher ... więcej

Friedrich List was one of the most prominent economic philosophers of the 19th century, on a par with-but espousing quite different thinking than-Karl ... więcej

Hadji Murad, Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich
Simplified Scientific Astrology, Heindel Max

He is considered one of the greatest novelists in any language in all of human history, but many of Leo Tolstoy's works remain obscure today. This short ... więcej

Danish-American mystic and astrologer MAX HEINDEL (1865-1919), developer of the modern teachings of the esoteric Christian philosophy of Rosicrucianism ... więcej

An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry, Russell Bertrand
Health and Wealth from Within, Towne William E.

Bertrand Russell was a prolific writer, revolutionizing philosophy and doing extensive work in the study of logic. This, his first book on mathematics ... więcej

The adherents of "New Thought"-a belief system popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that encouraged a proto-New Age brand of self-discovery-vehemently ... więcej

Successward, Bok Edward W.
The Divine Force in the Life of the World, McKenzie Alexander

If a young man will look around him a bit, he will find that the most successful men of the day are always the most quiet dressers. Their clothes are never ... więcej

It was by a somewhat singular process of self-restraint that one whose life had been that of a parish minister undertook to treat the themes of religion ... więcej

The Conquest of Bread, Kropotkin Peter
The Makers and Teachers of Judaism from the Fall of Jerusalem to the Death of Herod the Great, Kent Charles Foster

Oscar Wilde deemed his life "perfect," and described him as a man with "a soul of that beautiful white Christ which seems coming out of Russia." He is ... więcej

[T]he great contributions of the book of Job to the problem of suffering are: (1) A clear and scientific presentation of the problem; (2) a bold sweeping ... więcej

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