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Vegan Meal Prep, Neumann Jules

Get in Shape Easily While Saving Time ' Money With 89 Recipes! Part One of the Vegan Meal Prep Serie This book is  your complete guide  to prepping  89 delicious ' healthy plant-based dishes . Learn how to prep for  every day of the week  and fuel your body with plant-based nutrition.  Get in shape and save hours of time , all while spending less  with awareness for all kinds of life. Lose weight by eating right and allow yourself  more free time . With this book, you’ll get into the habit of just ... więcej

Marijuana Medicinale, Hammond Aaron

Un’introduzione comprensiva sulla marijuana medicinale, le sue applicazioni e i suoi benefici sulla salute Un numero crescente di pazienti sono ormai in cura con cannabis medicinale e la marijuana sta lentamente diventando un accettato medicinale erboristico nella cultura occidentale. Con il crescente aumento di coloro che la utilizzano sia per scopi medici che per scopi ricreativi vi è anche una crescente domanda di informazioni semplici da comprendere.  Questo libro copre vari aspetti, tra cui gli stigma e le linee base della ... więcej

Minimalisme, Lindgren Liv

De nos jours, nous passons notre temps entourés de biens et nous sommes bombardés de marketing et de publicité pour en acheter encore plus. Mais la vérité est qu'acheter plus de choses ne vous apporte ni joie ni bonheur. Au contraire, des études montrent qu'accumuler plus de biens entraîne le stress, la confusion mentale est due au fait de passer son temps en désordre à cause des choses dont on n'a pas besoin. Heureusement, il existe un moyen de redécouvrir les valeurs de votre vie, ce ... więcej

Secrets du Marketing des Médias Sociaux 2021, Norman Russ

Toutes les entreprises sont présentes sur les médias sociaux de nos jours... Et vous ? Savez-vous comment fonctionne la plateforme, par où commencer et comment l'utiliser pour votre entreprise ? Si vous vous sentez dépassé, voici le livre qui vous aidera à tirer le meilleur parti de Facebook : nouveaux clients, clients fidèles, ambassadeurs de la marque, fans, etc. Ajoutez Facebook à votre plan marketing et regardez vos ventes augmenter... Il y a 2 milliards d'utilisateurs actifs sur Facebook ... więcej

Dominio de la Fuerza Mental, Today Master

¡Construye autoconfianza y libera tu coraje para soportar las dificultades y rendir en cualquier condición! La fortaleza mental te ayudará a elevarte por encima de muchas personas que se ven fácilmente afectadas por sus circunstancias externas, como los desafíos, los obstáculos y los contratiempos. Te permite rendir bajo presión y superar los retos de la vida. Este libro te da las claves para desarrollar una fortaleza mental auténtica. Imagina que estás enfrentándote a los problemas ... więcej

The Low Carb Vegan Cookbook, Hammond Eva

Burn Fat with Delicious, Easy to Prepare Ketogenic Vegan Recipes Part One of the Ketogenic Vegan Series. This is the B'W edition of the book. No complex, strict, or weird diet schemes here...  Learn how to  prepare easy-to-follow recipes  that will help you  get the best out of your kitchen  with  100% low-carb vegan recipes . Do you want to get rid of high blood pressure and lower your cholesterol levels and seizure threshold while losing weight? Are you interested in gaining quality muscle with a  ... więcej

Mental Toughness & Discipline Mastery, Today Master

Build Your Self-Confidence, and Unlock Your Courage to Endure Hardship and Perform Under Any Condition! Mental toughness will help you rise above the many people who are easily affected by their external circumstances such as challenges, obstacles, and mishaps. It allows you to perform under pressure and overcome life's challenges. This book hands you the keys to develop true mental toughness. Image yourself dealing with life's problems with confidence, certainty, and a lion-like courage. Picture yourself facing any issue or setback that might ... więcej

Minimalismo, Lindgren Liv

Nel mondo moderno passiamo il tempo circondati da beni e siamo bombardati da marketing e pubblicità per comprare ancora di più. Ma la verità è che comprare più cose non porta gioia né felicità. Al contrario: gli studi dimostrano che accumulare beni porta a stress, confusione mentale e a vivere circondati dal disordine e da cose che non si vogliono o non servono. Per fortuna esiste un percorso per riscoprire i valori della tua vita, ciò che è veramente importante e ciò che ti fa sentire ... więcej

Cannabis Medizin, Hammond Aaron

Eine umfangreiche Einführung in medizinisches Marihuana und dessen Anwendungsgebiete und vielfältigen gesundheitlichen Vorteile Es gibt eine wachsende Anzahl von Patienten für medizinisches Cannabis. Marihuana wird langsam wieder von der westlichen Kultur als pflanzliche Medizin akzeptiert. Mit der steigenden Zahl an Konsumenten von Marihuana im medizinischen Bereich und als Rauschmittel, steigt auch der Bedarf an Informationen die leicht zu verstehen sind. Dieses Buch umfasst verschiedene Bereiche und Merkmale von Cannabis. Hierzu zählen ... więcej

30-Day Ketogenic Vegan Meal Plan, Hammond Eva

Lose Weight Fast with this customizable 30-Day Ketogenic Vegan Meal Plan This book contains the 30-day meal plan including its recipes found in ‘The Low Carb Vegan Cookbook Bundle’. This ketogenic vegan meal plan programs your body to burn fat, and makes it simple to get in shape. Increase your energy levels and inspire your friends to do the same. Become the best version of yourself with plant-based nutrition . Being in ketosis lowers your blood sugar levels, increases mental focus, and boosts your energy. It also increases HDL and ... więcej

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