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Znaleziono 19481 pasujących rekordów dla kryteriów wyszukiwania << < 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 > >>
High Dimensional Clustering and Applications of Learning Methods, Cui Ying
Abstract Probabilistic Semantics for the Analysis of Bio Sys Models, Scatena Guido

This book is divided into two parts. The first part is about non-redundant clustering and feature selection for high dimensional data. The second part ... więcej

This book concerns the development of probabilistic semantics tailored to model the dynamic behavior of biological systems in order to formally analyze ... więcej

Tumor Markers in Breast Cancer, Melkie Mulugeta
Splitting Hairs, Kleemann Pamela

Breast cancer is a well-known malignant tumor that remains to be one of the major public health problems and the main cause of death for women all over ... więcej

The term 'Splitting hairs' is defined as making superfine, unnecessary, and often ridiculous distinctions. As well as looking in depth at one aspect of ... więcej

Virtual'naya Kolonoskopiya V Diagnostike Patologii Tolstoy Kishki U Detey, Skripkin D. a.
Pictorea, Montevecchi André

V rabote obosnovyvaetsya vozmozhnost' primeneniya virtual'noy kolonoskopii v diagnostike patologii tolstoy kishki u detey. Na osnovanii obrabotki bol'shogo ... więcej

Atualmente, a descoberta de conhecimento em banco de dados (Knowledge Discovery in Databases - KDD) é bastante utilizada na academia e pouco utilizada ... więcej

Number Field Sieve and Cdma Sequences, Garg Gagan
La relación imagen calidad en los servicios hoteleros, Escobar Aguiar Eduardo Felipe

In this thesis, we investigate in detail, certain important problems in cryptography and coding theory. In the first part of this thesis, we discuss the ... więcej

Tesis de maestría dirigida a la determinación de la imagen pública de un hotel en sus clientes directos, proveedores y comercializadores ... więcej

Carpinteros del bosque, Hernández Mu?oz Abel
Valores organizacionais na administraç?o de uma Universidade Federal, Pinto Neto Benjamim

Los pájaros carpinteros han sido odiados o venerados por el hombre desde la antigüedad. Esta dualidad de emociones, generadas por criaturas ... więcej

A visão mais prática dessa concepção de uso dos valores nas organizações induz que a interferência é ... więcej

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