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Antes, Durante y Despues de La Granada Tardoantigua, Helal Ouriachen El Housin
Dokumentenmanagement, SADLEDER Jürgen

Este gran libro es tal vez el único o uno de los pocos que trata en profundidad la ciudad de Granada en sus periodos más ignotos e ignorados ... więcej

Der rasche Wandel im Umfeld der Unternehmen erfordert von den Unternehmungen eine sukzessive Anpassung an die neuen Gegebenheiten um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ... więcej

Document Interrogation, Abad-Mota Soraya
El pensamiento estratégico, Mu?oz Sánchez Omar

Organizations produce large numbers of documents. Often the contents of these documents do not reach the operational databases or data warehouses of the ... więcej

En muchos departamentos de planificación de cuentas de las agencias de publicidad se pueden encontrar profesionales de disciplinas como la sociología ... więcej

Some Steps to Dialogue Between Human Brain and Artificial Intelligence, Kardava Irakli
Pestiferous Gastropods And Their Control, Singh Dinesh Kumar

The mentioned and discussed issues in the given monograph are the fundamental steps to be possible to make a dynamic dialogue by natural language between ... więcej

Gastropods pest are largely neglected in the literature of pest control methods. Terrestrial/ aquatic snails and slugs are destructive pest of field crops/aquatic ... więcej

Verbal Autopsy Tool for Infant Mortality, Chattu Vijay Kumar
Noch' Na Ivana Kupalu, Il'ina Irina

Information on causes of death is extremely important for policy-making, planning, monitoring and evaluation of health programs as well as for field research ... więcej

V etot mig tuchi razoshlis', budto ikh razorval veter, solntse osvetilo bushuyushchee more, gde nedaleko ot berega kachalas' na volnakh znakomaya posudina. ... więcej

Interdisciplinary Rounds in the Intensive Care Unit, Ten Have Elsbeth C.M.
Histórias dos craques da bola, Soffner Junior José Augusto

Interdisciplinary rounds (IDRs) in the intensive care unit (ICU) are increasingly recommended to support quality improvement and to reduce preventable ... więcej

A introdução das modalidades esportivas no Brasil se deu antes mesmo da Proclamação da República, em 1889. Naquela época ... więcej

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