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Kompetenz und Kompetenzentwicklung, Tiaden Michael

Lernen in Hochschule führt häufig zu trägem Wissen. Damit ist das theoretische Wissen gemeint, das für die Lösung komplexer, realitätsnaher Probleme nicht oder nur mittelbar genutzt werden kann. Somit entsteht eine Kluft zwischen Wissen und Handeln im Rahmen der hochschulischen Studienprogramme. Supervision/Coaching als Beratungsformate können möglicherweise sinnvolle Instrumente im studienbegleitenden Kontext sein, um ergänzend zu den curricular angebotenen Lehrveranstaltungen Studierende Kompetenzerwerb in Fragen ... więcej

Postoyannye Magnity Dlya Magnitopassivnykh Podshipnikov, Bolotov Aleksandr

V rabote opisano silovoe vzaimodeystvie v magnitnykh sistemakh s vysokokoertsetivnymi magnitami. Rassmotreno vzaimodeystvie magnitov v podshipnikakh, trebovaniya k materialam, ispol'zuemym dlya ikh izgotovleniya. Pokazano vliyanie temperatury na magnitosilovye kharakteristiki podshipnikov. Priveden kak teoreticheskiy analiz optimal'nykh magnitnykh sistem, tak i dannye eksperimental'nykh issledovaniy. Pokazan primer resheniya zadachi po raschetu vzaimodeystviya tsilindricheskikh postoyannykh magnitov dlya podshipnikov, metodom konechnoelementnogo analiza v ... więcej

Usando o scratch para potencializar o pensamento criativo em crianças, Martins Amilton Rodrigo de Quadros

"Todas as pessoas nesse País deveriam aprender a programar computadores, porque isso ensina a pensar" (Steve Jobs) :. Crianças podem aprender a programar computadores ? .: O presente trabalho objetiva explorar o potencial do uso de ambientes de programação de computadores no desenvolvimento do pensamento criativo em estudantes de ensino fundamental. A intenção foi buscar subsídios para a compreensão do potencial desses ambientes no desenvolvimento do pensamento criativo, pautado na autonomia, na curiosidade ... więcej

Informatsionnoe obshchestvo i IKT v obrazovanii, Manako Alla

Mnogochislennye mezhdunarodnye initsiativy okazali sushchestvennoe vliyanie na formirovanie i tempy razvitiya informatsionnogo obshchestva, v to zhe vremya, otmechaya neravnomernost' ego razvitiya i vazhnuyu rol' IKT i nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya dlya uspeshnogo vnedreniya innovatsiy. Informatsionnye i kommunikatsionnye tekhnologii mozhno rassmatrivat' kak simvol razvitiya sovremennogo obshchestva. Pronikaya vo vse sfery chelovecheskoy deyatel'nosti, oni transformiruyut traditsionnye protsessy, sposobstvuya povysheniyu ikh effektivnosti i kachestva. Unikal'na ... więcej

Efeitos cardiovasculares do hipertireoidismo experimental e exercício, Teixeira Paranhos Lopes Leandro

Esta obra é marcada pela integração do treinamento físico aeróbio na respostas cardiovasculares diante do hipertireoidismo experimental. É explicado como o treinamento físico aeróbio pode influenciar o remodelamento cardíaco, frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial diante da ação do excesso do hormônio tireoidiano. Com uma linguagem prática e ilustrativa ajuda o leitor a conquistar o conhecimento proposto.

Successful GIS Implementation in Municipal Asset Management, Nkwenji Ivo

Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, over the years, has been utilized as a tool to resolve issues arising from the management of municipal assets. There is always the need to manage asset failures; consequences of failure, based on location; and defendable capital improvement budgets. The use of GIS provides a visual aid to administrators to make quick decisions on critical assets. Although GIS technology has undergone some metamorphosis in the last decade, and shall continue to change drastically in the coming years, its usefulness ... więcej

Die Relevanz von Geschlechterstereotypen in der Volksschule, Pongratz Anna

Geschlechterstereotype spielen im schulischen Kontext eine bedeutende Rolle. Sie machen sich sowohl im Unterricht als auch in der Erziehung und sozialen Interaktionen bemerkbar. Das Buch führt in die Thematik der vorherrschenden Geschlechterstereotype ein und zeigt, wie stark diese im schulischen Raum verankert sind und inwiefern die Volksschulkinder in ihren Einstellungen, Vorlieben und Tätigkeitsbereichen von ihnen beeinflusst werden. Es erfolgt ein Gesamtüberblick über die aktuelle Relevanz der Thematik Geschlecht in der Schule. Divergente ... więcej

Risk Management in the swimming pools in Thessaloniki, Greece, Tsevairidou Lefkothea

Risk management constitutes the cardinal principle of strategic management of every organization. The recording and assessment of the danger rating experienced by the participants within the swimming pools in Thessaloniki is the purpose of the current research. The number of the participants that took part in the particular research was 191 in total, between 18 to 55 age range. In an effort to investigate the specific concern, the participants filled in the questionnaire named "Risk Assessment in Physical Education - The Triangle Model" of Beaumont, Eve, ... więcej

Interactive Theorem Proving in Software Engineering, Kammüller Florian

Interactive theorem proving is the modern way of formalizing mathe­matics using a computer as a proof assistant, helping solve simple tasks and keeping an order on the proofs. Still, it is a tedious task, as such mechanical proofs contain detail that humans do not want to see. When it comes to the verification of real world applications in software engineering, as required for the assurance of safety and se­curity properties of embedded systems, the level of detail becomes even more annoying. In fact, it is a gargantuan task to prove a pro­gram ... więcej

Consumer Satisfaction with Wooden Furniture, Kizito Simon

This project examined the state of furniture industry and trade in Uganda. Specifically looking at the demand-supply side, efforts are made to describe the main key actors in the furniture supply chain, and consumers' feedback about quality delivered.The main objective of the study was to determine the level of consumer satisfaction(utility)achieved by the local producers and establishing what particular furniture attributes consumers consider as important for their satisfaction formation with emphasis on household furniture. The overall goal was to benchmark ... więcej

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