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My Favorite Asian Food Recipes Book, Easy Jornal

This is a blank recipe book designed for the avid Asian food appreciator. Whether their favorite dishes come from Thailand, India, Vietnam, China, Korea or Japan, this journal is the perfect place to write down the ingredients & cooking instructions that need to be remembered to recreate a delicious dish.

The Will of Motivation, Myers Aubrey

Let's face facts, there are very few jobs that can't be performed by an infinite number of people. The main factor that determines success is your motivation. A high level of motivation will drive you to give a task your full attention and best effort thereby eliciting your best efforts. If you are truly motivated by a cause or task you will care whether or not you give it your best effort. Motivation is the first and biggest factor driving our efforts and success.

My Bucket List Journal, Publishing LLC Speedy

The world is overflowing with things to do, the only thing in short supply is time to do it. This is where the benefit of having a bucket list comes in. It is important to realize that despite best efforts, there will never be time to experience all the world has to offer. A bucket list journal allows an individual to narrow down the list of experiences to a more realistic level, allowing a person to enjoy a fulfilling life.

Mimi and the Wolf, Kids Jupiter

Mimi is a young girl about seven. She lives in a wooded area without a lot of friends or close neighbors. The animals in the woods are her friends though and she is rarely lonely. She tells people that the animals can talk to her. She has been able to understand them and sometimes to speak to them since she was younger. In fact they can talk to her though many of her family members consider her odd for saying so. Mimi is not allowed to go out into the forest alone. A large black wolf lives in the woods and she's been warned that wolves carry children away. ... więcej

Stardark - How Things Are (Book 1) Fallen Stars Series, Third Cousins

Seren is going nowhere in her life. She knows that and she's not trying to fight against it. At just twenty two years old she's already accepted that a crappy boyfriend and a low paying bar job are the best she's going to get. That is, until she comes home one day to find a purple haired girl in her bed with her boyfriend at her side. Seren realizes that things are about to fall apart, but she can hardly focus on that, because she's being followed by a woman in a red dress. When they finally meet face to face the woman reveals secrets about Seren's past, ... więcej

May We Chat, Stein Amina

Prostitution is an age old profession that has been around since man existed on earth. Over the years things have changed and it has evolved into quite a business. There are even different categories of prostitutes, high end and low end. The high end prostitutes are creative working girls. Get a glimpse into the life of an independent high end prostitute. Find out some great tips and how she keeps her business profitable.

Crosswords Easy To Hard, Speedy Publishing LLC

Some of the crossword puzzles included here are easy, while others are quite difficult. But all the puzzles have one aim, and that is to challenge your knowledge. As you open the book, your spelling and vocabulary skills will be put to the test. Your understanding of the cosmos, history, science and geography will be tested too. Are you ready to prove that you're smarter than you think?

Sex Lies And Parties, Pollock Dana

Are you in a stable relationship or are married and still you want more. Do you want to be able to have sex with someone else in a controlled environment but with the consent of your significant other. Enter the swinger lifestyle. It was created by persons who wanted to have the freedom to explore their sexuality with others. This book takes the reader on a journey into that world. Through the eyes of one young woman who loves sex, the reader gets to learn what swinging is all about.

Stardark - How Things Must Always Be (Book 3) Fallen Stars Series, Third Cousins

Seren knows that her choices are limited. Lucia has her right where she wants her and escaping her evil clutches isn't going to be an easy feat. That's what she has to do, though: she has to find a way of getting away from Lucia, before Lucia has a chance to torture the darkness out of Seren. With only hours to spare before Seren's birthday hits and the darkness reaches its full power, the risks are high and the chances of failure are even higher. Will Seren be able to fight her way through the lures of the darkness or will she become the monster she has ... więcej

Stardark - Supernatural Thriller Saga (Boxed Set), Third Cousins

Seren is going nowhere in her life. She knows that and she's not trying to fight against it. At just twenty two years old she's already accepted that a crappy boyfriend and a low paying bar job are the best she's going to get. That is, until she comes home one day to find a purple haired girl in her bed with her boyfriend at her side. Seren realizes that things are about to fall apart, but she can hardly focus on that, because she's being followed by a woman in a red dress. When they finally meet face to face the woman reveals secrets about Seren's past, ... więcej

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