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Diagnóstico Médico por el Pulso? (MPD?), Doane Robert

Hay un montón de información disponible sobre el diagnóstico por el pulso con muchos matices y variaciones. ¡Sin embargo, NINGUNO de ellos son tan claros, concisos y clínicamente relevantes como este corpus de trabajo! ¡Este libro es un CÓMO instructivo y una absoluta OBLIGACIÓN en todas las consultas y escuelas! ¡¡¡Este libro asienta la etapa para una longevidad continua de la medicina china para las siguientes generaciones de terapeutas!

Critical Non-Invasive Treatment to Cure Grade III and IV Cancer, Loudon Dr. Merle

My mission in life is to help people who want to prevent cancer and help them treat it. For more than 35 years, I have given hundreds of courses on orthodontics, temporal mandibular joint treatment, nutrition, cancer treatment, and cognitive thinking.                 Being a cancer advisor, I realize that every person is the author of their destiny. The decisions on what you eat and drink plus your lifestyle determines the health of your blood, cells, organs, and brain. I see ... więcej

Young Man Blues, Kunstler James Howard

This is not a sob story. It's a story about the difficulties of growing into manhood and my own particular struggle with disabling anxiety that came along with it, and how I managed to find my way. That was more than fifty years ago. American life was more comfortable and comprehensible than it is now as we face the discords of what I call the long emergency. I still had a hard time. I observe that boys today are up against a whole lot more in their quest to become fully functional adult men.

Taking A Chance, Martin Celia

Since her youth, immensely wealthy heiress Delphine Lotterby has been in love with the penniless Torrance Madigan (Maddy), but he loves her cousin, Lady Venetia Lotterby. In their summer trek from Cheshire to the Lake District, Delphine strives to convince Maddy he really loves her and not her cousin. At the same time, because of her great wealth, she must be ever vigilant to avoid abduction and being forced into an unwanted marriage. Delphine is risking all on the chance she can win Maddy’s love, marry him, and stop all the abduction attempts by the ... więcej

Autism - A Family Journey, Rasmussen Cindy

This is a story about one family's journey with an autistic family member, Steven; as told by his mother.  It is also Steven's story from birth to the present as a man in his early 40's. It is an engaging and emotional story.  At the same time, it is an honest portrayal of what it is like to live with autism on a daily basis. Cindy Rasmussen wrote this story for her children to help them understand what happened in their family when they were growing up, from the perspective of a Mom. Her eldest son, Mark, was only ... więcej

Broken Record, Wolf James C.

In everyone’s life, there is a moment...a time...a decision you make or fail to make that changes the entire direction of your life. And today you see it as a pattern repeating itself over and over like a broken record. For me, it happened about thirty years ago when I was seven going on eight.  Little did I know that it actually began long before I was born. A similar moment in time... a decision made that would define one legacy, and become the postscript for another. Through the eyes of a child... from one generation to the next... what path ... więcej

Unleashed Leadership, Weedin Dan

A book for all business leaders who want to maximize their unique potential, realize their full talent and live a more rewarding and enriched life. Just as an unleashed dog can more fully attain freedom by escaping its yard, leaders can also become Unleashed from the often self-inflicted restrictions to their potential. By accomplishing this, they set the stage to create similarly Unleashed cultures in their own organizations, thus affecting many others. Unleashed is a comprehensive guide to and resource for enhancing skills, radically improving employees’ ... więcej

Reunion in Paradise, Hinds M. J.

Reunion in Paradise  is a romance novel depicting five striking women, each so different from the other, and the intervention of an uninvited male to their 'female only' reunion.  The heartbroken stranger, expecting to nurse his crushed ego and rejected heart, instead finds his true love with one of the enticing ladies, but not before engaging in a myriad of obstacles first.  The love triangle that developed between Melanie, the handsome, jilted Bruce and the determined Sandra was a rocky road; until fate took hold of their destinies. Now ... więcej

Fate's Intervention, Lamont Ronald

His breaths ran rapid, his heart raced; his hands shook… reliving the events of the afternoon. Rejection is a terrible thing; it can drive you to become a version of yourself that you never knew existed… to taking actions you never would have imagined. When faced with life’s harsh realities… with, what feels to be, a fate worse than death… how do you manage? How do you cope?   Or do you?

Dare To Do It!, Rubesch Nancy

Dare To Do It! I follow My Dreams!  is a memoir of Nancy Rubesch's life.  This book tells the stories of the many journeys that Nancy and her husband have taken. Writer, Mark Jenkins, said:  “Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky - forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world.”  Those are the kind of trips recounted here. The world is becoming more interdependent. As a consequence, it is important for people to get acquainted with other cultures, to understand other perspectives ... więcej

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