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Blaze, Mayer Dale

Blaze had planned to go home to Rockfield, Kentucky, some day. He just hadn't expected it to be this soon ... Until Badger offers a reason to head in that direction. As a longtime animal-rescue volunteer, hearing about the plight of Solo, a shepherd with severe dissociative issues from her military days, Blaze knows he has to see this through. Camilla, on her way to an event she's planning, tries to avoid hitting a dog as it runs across the road. Blaze witnesses the accident and stops to help, realizing this could be the shepherd he's looking for. Even ... więcej

Framing cosmologies,

How might the anthropological study of cosmologies illuminate understandings of the contemporary world? This book addresses this question by bringing together anthropologists whose research is informed by a concern with cosmological dimensions of social life in different ethnographic settings

Englishwoman in America, Bird Isabella Lucy
Forest Fires and Abandonment Patterns from the Aguada Culture, Northwest Argentina, Lindskoug Henrik B.

This book deals with the disappearance of the Aguada Culture in the Catamarca Province Northwestern Argentina, focusing of the abandonment of several settlements in the Ambato Valley, which has shown evidence of fire and a rapid abandonment dated to around 900-1000 AD. A new method of analysing forest fires using microcharcoals was developed to examine the relationship between the abandonment and forest fires. This approach, coming from the field of pedoanthracology, has given us new data on the palaeoenvironment of the area which help us to understand and ... więcej

Sibling Relations and the Transformations of European Kinship, 1300-1900,

Recently considerable interest has developed about the degree to which anthropological approaches to kinship can be used for the study of the long-term development of European history. From the late middle ages to the dawn of the twentieth century, kinship - rather than declining, as is often assumed - was twice reconfigured in dramatic ways and became increasingly significant as a force in historical change, with remarkable similarities across European society. Applying interdisciplinary approaches from social and cultural history and literature and focusing ... więcej

Ładny, ale nie niezbędny, Schultz Jeffrey

W obecnej erze odpowiedzialności edukacyjnej i testowania na wysokim poziomie w szkołach publicznych wielu członków społeczności edukacyjnej zastanawia się nad ograniczeniami programowymi, ponieważ coraz więcej czasu nauczania poświęca się na przedmioty, które są testowane. Jeśli standaryzowane testy mają potencjał do ograniczenia oferty programowej, uczniowie prawdopodobnie doświadczają zmniejszenia ekspozycji na sztukę w swojej edukacji, a co za tym idzie ... więcej

Thoughts Are Things, Mulford Prentice

""Thoughts Are Things"" is a book written by Prentice Mulford that explores the power of our thoughts and how they can shape our lives. Mulford argues that our thoughts have a direct impact on our experiences and that we have the ability to control our thoughts and, therefore, our lives. The book is divided into several chapters, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the power of thought. Mulford discusses the importance of positive thinking and how it can lead to success and happiness, as well as the dangers of negative thinking and how it can lead ... więcej

A Clinical Textbook Of Surgical Diagnosis And Treatment (1897), MacDonald John William

A Clinical Textbook Of Surgical Diagnosis And Treatment is a medical book written by John William MacDonald and first published in 1897. The book is a comprehensive guide to surgical diagnosis and treatment, covering a wide range of surgical procedures and techniques. It is aimed at medical students, residents, and practicing surgeons who want to deepen their knowledge of surgical procedures and techniques. The book is divided into several chapters, each covering a specific type of surgery, such as general surgery, orthopedic surgery, and plastic surgery. ... więcej

I Was a Teenage Hallucination #3, Rum Jahred

Contains The Dead Live!, and The Future is Here and Here is the Future! Imagine that everything you are accustomed to is scant moments away from being irrevocably changed forever, Imagine that all of Nature must die, Imagine that Gods, Angels, and Transdimensional Maniacs are attempting to save all Goodness even as you read this, and then shriek out "I Was a Teenage Hallucination!". The Third Volume in the Road Kill Wonder Cycle.

Night Train To Aswan, Russell Steve Wrixon

The Arab spring is in full swing in 2011 Egypt. The Egyptian President has been deposed and his interim replacement tentatively tries to steer the country away from fanaticism. The Muslim Brotherhood is in the ascendency and the CIA fearing another Iran hostage crisis has reduced its presence. Evacuating all non-essential operatives and relying on its allies for help if a crisis evolves. American heiress, Jessie Simmons, mysteriously disappears, whilst touring the middle east with the university orchestra. The daughter of a major democratic party donor ... więcej

A Very Famous Social Worker, Johnson Greg

When Greg Johnson was interviewing for a job at a mental health center his interview was interrupted by a police officer with a naked woman in tow. "I was looking for an adventure," he says, "and this looked like it." In A Very Famous Social Worker the author recounts with insight and humor his experiences as a rookie social worker in West Virginia's Greenbrier Valley. His unlikely parade of clients include a preacher whose wildly rebellious children are threatening to bring down his ministry, a teenage underwear fetishist, a man obsessed with Dolly ... więcej

All That Glitters Is Not God, Kumar A. K. B.

This fiction-All that Glitters Is Not God-is the reader's own story because, while reading, you'll realize that you yourself are the writer and the reader, creator and creation, hero and villain. The climax occurs in your period of living, in your native place where you're the hot and the cold, beautiful and ugly, hard and soft, rude and gentle, ups and downs, fire and water, matters supporting birth and death, also beneficial and harmful bacteria. Thus you're the god and the devil in this book. You may or may not grant this ecological novel as your autobiographical ... więcej

Malformations vasculaires de la région faciale, KUMAR AMIT

La malformation veineuse est l'une des lésions vasculaires bénignes les plus courantes, environ 40 % des cas apparaissant dans la tête et le cou. Elles peuvent affecter l'apparence et la fonctionnalité du patient et même provoquer des hémorragies ou une obstruction des voies respiratoires mettant en jeu le pronostic vital. Les méthodes actuelles de traitement comprennent la chirurgie, la thérapie au laser, la sclérothérapie ou une combinaison des deux. Le traitement des malformations veineuses ... więcej

Cross Layer Design in Adhoc Networks, Chaturvedi Anshu

Adhoc wireless network encompass mobile devices that uses wireless transmission for communication. They can be setup anywhere and anytime as and when required. They do not have infrastructural setup and central administrative support. Cross Layer Design In Adhoc Networks: A Security Aspect is meant for the students pursuing research in Adhoc network. It deals with the intricacies of cross layer designs and provides a glimpse of security aspects. It is a simple book that can be utilized by even the students of engineering having Adhoc network as a subject.

Politische Gladiatoren, Brandford Shadrach Adams

In der komplexen Arena der Politik ist die Macht sowohl begehrt als auch schwer zu fassen. Sie zieht die Ehrgeizigen und die Idealisten, die Strategen und die Träumer an, die alle versuchen, der Welt ihren Stempel aufzudrücken. Doch unter der Oberfläche der offiziellen Statuten und des öffentlichen Diskurses verbirgt sich eine tiefere, unausgesprochene Realität - eine Reihe ungeschriebener Regeln, die das politische Spiel prägen. "Politische Gladiatoren" ist ein Leitfaden, der es wagt, die unausgesprochenen Wahrheiten und verborgenen ... więcej

Revestimentos Satellite-6 e Cr3C2-NiCr para melhorar o comportamento ao desgaste do En-45, Singh Chandan Deep

O desgaste ocorre entre duas superfícies quando estas estão em contacto. O principal fator que contribui para o desgaste é o atrito. As dimensões do componente alteram-se quando o desgaste resulta. Pode ser necessário substituí-lo quando uma pequena quantidade de material tiver sido removida. A remoção de material durante o desgaste é um processo lento, mas muito contínuo e estável. O desgaste é um fenómeno comum na maioria das instalações e máquinas ... więcej

Say No to Murder, Pickard

Jenny Cain was thrilled about the Liberty Harbor Restoration, a picturesque collection of shops, museums and restaurants. But when a runaway truck barreled into the project committee, it seemed someone in Port Frederick was out to sink Liberty Harbor. Then a wooden cross raised in unholy wrath made the message clear. Murderously clear. As director of the town's Civic Foundation, Jenny should have been glad when police detective Geof Bushfield reeled in a prime suspect. Unfortunately, it was the one person she was desperate to prove innocent. Fishing ... więcej

Activated Charcoal, Cooney David O.

'Activated Charcoal: Antidote, Remedy, Health Aid' - a layman's introduction to the effectiveness of activated charcoal as used in medical applications. This book gathers together most of what has been reported to date on the use of activated charcoal as an oral antidote and as a remedy for other ailments.

Basics of rocket structural mechanics, Bezmelnitsin Wladimir

This work is a brief course (25 lectures) in structural mechanics of rockets. The main material of lectures is the result of the long-term activity of the Samara State Aerospace University stuff (department "The Strength of Flying Vehicles"). The last two lectures the author wrote on basis of his own works. All formulas in the course derived in the possible simplest way. There is the English-Russian vocabulariy after each lecture. The lectures include the study of the next items: 1. The beam theory essentials of thin-walled structures, 2. Basic equations ... więcej

The Art Of Isolation, Fittro Janet

Often the gifts and talents God has given you tarry as a beautifully wrapped bundle, waiting to be opened. How can you realize these precious gifts and talents so that you might live more fully for Him? Inspired during the 2020 pandemic, The Art of Isolation is a fifty-day journal that includes a variety of inspirational, original paintings, scriptures, and personal thoughts that will stimulate your ability to untie that ribbon. Discover how the joy of unwrapping and using your gifts makes life easier and more fulfilling as you do all things for the glory ... więcej

Raider, Sasser Charles W.
Handbook Of Old Burial Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Herman Perkins Frank

Handbook Of Old Burial Hill, Plymouth, Massachusetts : Its History, Its Famous Dead, And Its Quaint Epitaphs, has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve its true nature.

Sora, Solofoni Elisiva

The sun has perished. The Stillness reigns. But a solution to the darkness and decay is promised. When Railesson renews its alliance with Shin'en Kiryuu, all eyes are drawn to the country of dragon worshippers... A ragtag group of misfits are tasked with helping Shin'en Kiryuu's leader, Sora. But when she abandons her role, the group are led down a path of conspiracy and danger. Evil lurks around every corner. The rising hostility towards this country and its people will test friendships and claim lives. Yet there is hope. Prophecy tells of the return ... więcej

Histoire De La Lutte Des Papes Et Des Empereurs V3 (1858), De Cherrier Claude Joseph

Le livre ""Histoire De La Lutte Des Papes Et Des Empereurs V3 (1858)"" �����crit par Claude Joseph De Cherrier est une �����uvre historique qui raconte les luttes entre les papes et les empereurs au cours de l'histoire. Le livre est le troisi�����me tome d'une s�����rie qui explore les relations tumultueuses entre les deux pouvoirs depuis l'Antiquit����� jusqu'au XIXe si�����cle. ... więcej

Essays Upon Some Controverted Questions, Huxley Thomas Henry
The New Merchant Marine (1920), Hurley Edward Nash

The New Merchant Marine (1920) is a book written by Edward Nash Hurley that provides a comprehensive overview of the American merchant marine industry during the early 20th century. The book covers topics such as the history of the industry, the role of the government in its development, the challenges faced by American shipping companies, and the opportunities for growth and expansion.Hurley, who served as the chairman of the United States Shipping Board during World War I, draws on his extensive experience and knowledge to provide a detailed analysis of ... więcej

Forgotten Victims of Sex Abusers, Kraft William F.

This book honors the courageous sex victims who exposed their abusers. The spotlight, and rightly so, has been on them and their predators. William Kraft contends, however, that little attention and help has been given to those who unknowingly knew a sex offender, people such as spouses, family friends, and parishioners--the unintended victims. Kraft gives these forgotten and silent victims a voice. He recognizes, listens, and responds to people who trusted, often admired, and perhaps loved a sex offender--the shocked woman whose husband is found guilty of ... więcej

Métropolitisation durable, García Lirios Cruz

D'emblée, il est convenu que dans le cadre du développement durable, le travail social a établi des domaines et des champs d'intervention autour desquels des services sociaux ont été développés, principalement ceux liés à la gestion de l'eau en ce qui concerne la qualité de vie et le bien-être subjectif, les déterminants de l'évaluation des politiques publiques, les programmes environnementaux et les stratégies d'attention aux communautés de migrants. Dans ... więcej

Relate with Me, Ng

Relationships are a vital part of our lives, and we continuously need ideas on how to sustain them. Therefore, this book serves as a guide to anyone who desires to have a good and Godly relationship either as a single person, dating, married or family, including tips on how to take care of your children from research.    

Apostrophe To The Skylark; The Bells Of San Gabriel; Joe Of Lahaina; Father Damien Among His Lepers (1909), Stoddard Charles Warren

This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

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