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Balladyna, Słowacki Juliusz

Balladyna jest tragedią romantyczną należącą do kanonu polskiej literatury pięknej. Utwór utrzymany jest w konwencji baśniowej. Pojawiają się w nim postacie i motywy fantastyczne wywodzące się z polskich wierzeń ludowych. U źródła rozgrywającego się dramatu znajduje się żądza sukcesu i władzy za wszelką cenę, którą opętana jest tytułowa bohaterka. Balladyna trafi z ubogiej chatki w lesie do królewskiego pałacu ... więcej

Komedie (1855-1868), Fredro Aleksander

W roku Aleksandra Fredry PIW przypomina najlepsze i najbardziej aktualne utwory pisarza. Na edycję złożą się trzy tomy komedii w wyborze prof. Anny Kuligowskiej-Korzeniewskiej oraz wspomnienia napoleońskie „Trzy po trzy”. Nowy wybór dzieł Aleksandra Fredry będzie pierwszym wydaniem popularyzatorskim, wzbogaconym o niewidziane od przeszło 60 lat w książkach Fredry przypisy oraz kalendarium życia i twórczości. Będzie to edycja multimedialna, która dzięki ... więcej

Atlas anatomiczny Georga Büchnera, Burzyńska Anna Róża

Georg Büchner to postać niezwykła, której aktywność na czterech scenach nowoczesności (nauki przyrodnicze, filozofia, polityka, literatura) stanowi splot nici w istocie nie do rozplątania. […] Kim byli Woyzeck […] i Lenz? Kim był w istocie sam Büchner? Na to pytanie odpowiedź musi być wstrzemięźliwa, bowiem jednym z tropów książki jest wykazanie zwodniczości typowych dla stanu wiedzy danej epoki opinii na temat tego, czym jest choroba i w jakim pozostaje ... więcej

Where the Pavement Ends, Yellow Robe William S.

Volume 37 in the American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series William S. Yellow Robe, Jr., a leading Assiniboine playwright, began his career in the theater as an actor. Although his acting skills were respected, there were few roles for Native Americans. As a result, he began writing his own plays, creating roles not just for himself but for other Native actors as well. Where the Pavement Ends comprises five of Yellow Robe's most poignant and powerful plays: The Star Quilter, the Body Guards, Rez Politics, The Council, and Sneaky. Based on his ... więcej

The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth, Shakespeare William

SUFFOLK. As by your high imperial Majesty I had in charge at my depart for France, As procurator to your Excellence, To marry Princess Margaret for your Grace; So, in the famous ancient city Tours, ... więcej

The Political Theatre of David Edgar, Reinelt Janelle
Exiles - A Play in Three Acts, Joyce James

“Exiles” is a 1918 play in three acts by Irish writer James Joyce. Started just after the outbreak of WWI in 1914, it is essentially a study of a husband-and-wife relationship which harks back to the final story in “Dubliners” and forward to his magus opus “Ulysses”. This fantastic play will appeal to lovers of the stage and constitutes a must-read for fans and collectors of Joyce's seminal work. James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (1882–1941) was an Irish short story writer, novelist, teacher, poet, and literary critic. ... więcej

Harbingers of Autumn, Claire Geraldine

Complexity of human relations continue the sequel: Harbingers of Spring and Harbingers of Summer. In this saga, on a beautiful autumn morning, Jack Newsum, an attorney, meets Autumn Asbury, a stunningly beautiful, anthropologist during a homegrown terrorist attack on the Metrorail system of Washington, D.C., when Jack heroically guides her to safety. Autumn is a newly wed, married into a prominent family where her father-in-law, Herbert Lord is an esteemed funeral director. His failing health ignites a firestorm amongst the siblings. Just when Autumn ... więcej

The Mysterious Stranger, Twain Mark

Do you want to read The Mysterious Stranger? If so then keep reading... This story is told by Theodor Fischer, a boy who lives in a small Austrian village and quietly exists with his friends, relatives and community. One day a stranger appears in the village and befriends Theodor and his chums. He tells them that his name is Satan and he is the nephew of "the Satan". He is capable of all types of magic, predictions and apparitions that he reveals in various ways to the boys. But throughout the story Satan expels his wisdom on the character and futility ... więcej

Gulf of Guinea, Ashie George Nii Amon

A true collection of original short stories: Open your eyes to life in West Africa! Like the many rivers that drain into the GULF OF GUINEA; these stories will spark your curiosity in the West African culture and its many characters whose innocent, unfiltered and organic, spirited dialogue will arouse your senses and give you insight and appreciation of this rich and fragrant land and its people. These stories are intense, passionate and riveting with detail, providing an insight about another culture and way of life.  ... At times there is comedic ... więcej

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