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Neuartiges NSAID zur Behandlung der Parkinson-Krankheit, SARAVANAN POORANA PUSHKALAI
A Tempting Proposal, Girard Dara

Die Parkinson-Krankheit (PD) ist bekanntlich ein fortschreitender Verlust von Dopamin-Neuronen in der Substania nigra pars compacta und gehört zu ... więcej

Large Print Straight-laced businessman, James Fortune, always does the right thing. So when his reckless twin brother, Jackson, gets cold feet the ... więcej

The Jungle, Sinclair Upton
The Telling, The Listening, Clark-Sayles Catharine

Do you want to read The Jungle? If so then keep reading... The Jungle is a 1906 novel written by the American journalist and novelist Upton Sinclair ... więcej

The Telling, The Listening  is a new collection of narrative poems drawn from forty-five years of medical practice.  Catharine Clark-Sayles ... więcej

Desarrollo de inferencias y grupos de lectura infantiles, González García Javier
Medjugorje Bilder & Botschaften, Eden Orsolya

En cualquier proceso de comprensión, el lector acude a información más allá de la letra impresa. Junto a unas fuentes explícitas ... więcej

* Eindrucksvolle Botschaften der Gottesmutter zu Medjugorje werden anhand von anschaulichen/besonderen Bildern illustriert. * Die Botschaften weisen ... więcej

Boogie Man, Murray Charles Shaar
Activating the Modern Classroom, Reed Julian A.

From the team that brought you Walkabouts — Activating the Modern Classroom presents research and provides engaging, easy-to-implement classroom ... więcej

My Journey With Leukemia, Venegas Jennifer
Before the Court of Heaven, Mayer Jack

Curse to Cure. Broken to Blessings. This is a personalized and expressive journey of a wife, mother, and teacher and her battles with Leukemia and its ... więcej

Historical Fiction based on a true story. Germany, after World War I.  Ernst Werner Techow, son of a magistrate, a child of privilege, joins the ... więcej

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