


Lista tytułów z wydawnictwa "Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group Inc"

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Znaleziono 5707 pasujących rekordów dla kryteriów wyszukiwania 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>
Its Head Came Off by Accident, Mead-Ferro Muffy
Letters to a Young Academic, McPherson Guy R.

A humorous, yet poignant reflection on gratitude and loss about a childhood that takes place on a vast Wyoming landscape where the author grew up with ... więcej

In this book, Guy R. McPherson feeds a sophisticated audience hungry for practical, inspirational, and witty advice. He begins by answering the question ... więcej

The Most Important Work,
The Cure FAQ, Gerard Christian

This collection of essays reflects the desire and determination guiding many practitioners and researchers as they work together in more meaningful, relevant ... więcej

The Cure FAQ is a complete analysis of the band’s forty-plus year career, delving into each one of their albums with fresh commentary and insight. ... więcej

A Life in Balance, Wolff Meg
Conversations with Scripture and with Each Other, Shaw M. Thomas

The first title in Down East Books' 'Best Maine Food' series, this inspirational cookbook proves that good food fosters good health. When conventional ... więcej

Written from his years of experience as a priest and now as the bishop of Massachusetts, M. Thomas Shaw's Conversations with Scripture and with Each Other ... więcej

Ghost Towns of Montana, Miller Shari
History of the Future, Singer Max

This book is a return to Montana's past through images of its ghost towns and stories of the people and events that shaped them. Profiles of approximately ... więcej

The world is in a unique transition from all of past history to modern life which, when the transition is completed, will be wealthy, free, and peaceful. ... więcej

Rule of the SSJE, Society of St John the Evangelist
Dramatic Action in Greek Tragedy and Noh, Smethurst Mae J.

The book is composed of 49 short chapters that develop classical monastic themes of hospitality, poverty, celibacy, and obedience, exploring what these ... więcej

By looking at 15th/16th realistic noh and Greek tragedies through the lens of Aristotle and of each other, this comparison reveals a previously unnoticed ... więcej

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>


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