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Health Remedies, Lee Robert  S.

Why does it seem that nowadays, with all the advances in the medical field, people seem to be sicker and sicker? Have you wondered if there is a way to improve your overall health, get less sick and increase your lifespan without having to resort to potentially harmful drugs? If you answered yes to any of the above, then keep reading: There is no denying that over the last decades, our lifespans have gone up, but at what price? Our quality of life has taken a huge hit. It seems like every day we hear about new medical breakthroughs, but no matter where ... więcej


Here's some of what you can expect to learn inside the pages of this book: Easy lifestyle changes that you can apply now to dramatically reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. How to effectively control and manage life-altering fears and phobias that prevent us from doing those things that we like or need to do. Learn how to 'rewire' your thought patterns and replace negative thinking with long-term results. How to avoid the most common mistakes that patients do that can greatly hinder their progress towards recovery. Proven ... więcej

Stress, Lee Robert S.

Have you wondered if it is possible to stop intense feelings of worry, anxiety or stress without resorting to medication? Most stress and anxiety related medication can have a series of harmful side effects that sometimes leave patients in an even worse state than before. There are several methods that have high rates of success when treating and eliminating mood disorders with little to virtually no side effects. Here's some of what you can expect to learn inside the pages of this book: Easy lifestyle changes that you can apply now to dramatically ... więcej

Herbal Remedies, White Felix  M.

Have you ever wondered if there is an alternative solution to our medicine cabinets that are chock full of meds with potentially harmful side effects?  Would you like to discover a better alternative that has been used for millennia and whose positive benefits have been backed up by science? If you answered yes to any of the above, then this beginner friendly guide is for you! Inside the pages of this book, you’ll learn how correctly and responsibly use herbal remedies so that you can start receiving numerous health benefits with none of the ... więcej

Cómo Rescatar un Matrimonio Difícil, Romero Ferris

¿Te has preguntado por qué algunos matrimonios son capaces de durar indefinidamente, mientras que otros no parecen tener esa posibilidad?  ¿Si existe alguna manera efectiva para ayudar a una relación que está pasando por momentos muy complicados? ¿Te has sentido inseguro/a en múltiples ocasiones durante tu matrimonio?  Entonces sigue leyendo... "Es posible conseguir algo luego de tres horas de pelea, pero es seguro que se podrá conseguir con apenas tres palabras impregnadas de ... więcej

Cómo Dejar de Pensar Demasiado las Cosas, Chandler Tristram

¿Te acostumbras a revivir cada una de tus conversaciones? ¿Sueles pensar demasiado a la hora de emitir opiniones y preocuparte por situaciones hipotéticas? ¿Sientes que tus pensamientos no se detienen y te estás agotando? Entonces sigue leyendo... Cuando reduces el número de pensamientos que se te ocurren en tu mente, mejoras tu enfoque, piensas con más claridad, te vuelves más creativo y lo ves todo en una perspectiva más amplia. Remez Sasson. Es probable que simplemente estés ... więcej

Habits, Lee Robert S.

Have you ever tried to change your habits but failed multiple times? Somewhere between 80 percent and 92 percent of the promises made by New Year Resolutioners fail.  Most people get used to this cycle of failure and eventually give up completely, thinking that changing habits is impossible for them and that only those with endless willpower can succeed at it. Here's some of what you can expect to learn inside the pages of this book: Discover how to deal with the most damaging behaviors we do on auto-pilot. A step-by-step process ... więcej

Sleep, White Felix M.

If you answered yes to any of the above, then keep reading. Not having proper sleep increases our rate of increased mortality risk from all causes by around fifteen percent. It drains us of energy, makes us moody, irritable, and robs us of our desire to enjoy life. Sleeping is our superpower. It helps us feel good throughout the day and heals our body and mind. Here’s what you’ll learn: -Common bad habits and mistakes that greatly hinder sleep quality. -Dealing with the most common sleep issues, including, but not limited to insomnia. ... więcej

Guía del Tercer Ojo en Espa?ol, White Felix

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si cualquiera es capaz de despertar el tercer ojo? ¿Te gustaría desarrollar una percepción extrasensorial que vaya más allá de los sentidos básicos? Entonces necesitas seguir leyendo.. "A quienes no quieren cambiar, déjalos dormir" - Rumi El tercer ojo es un concepto importante que podemos encontrar en diversas culturas alrededor del mundo. En pocas palabras, se trata de un tercer ojo invisible, el cual, sorprendentemente, todos poseemos y que nos ayuda a incrementar ... więcej

Memory, Lee Robert S.

Are you tired of feeling that you're not going anywhere in life due to excessive procrastination? How different would your life be if you were able to remember information and learn new things without much effort? Throughout your life, you've probably noticed that there were a select few groups of people that you probably thought of as being very confident, intelligent and successful. We have been lead to believe that what sets most of these people apart is their IQ and that there's little we can do to develop their attributes.  ... więcej

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