


Lista tytułów z wydawnictwa "Springer Publishing"

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Znaleziono 573 pasujące rekordy dla kryteriów wyszukiwania 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>
Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Educators, Campbell Suzanne Hetzel
Finding Balance, Hickey Sue

When employed as a substitute for real clinical time, simulation scenarios have proven effective in bridging the gap between theory and practice. This ... więcej

Over 10 million adults in the United States have chronic problems with dizziness and imbalance - vestibular problems. This compares to 400,000 with multiple ... więcej

Biostatistics for Oncologists, Leonard Kara-Lynne MD MS
Children of Substance-Abusing Parents,

Biostatistics for Oncologists is the first practical guide providing the essential biostatistical concepts, oncology-specific examples, and applicable ... więcej

Children of Substance-Abusing Parents: Dynamics and Treatment is a necessary reference for all mental health professionals and students who need to ... więcej

Motivation 101, Schreiber James  B.
Fast Facts About the Gynecologic Exam, Second Edition, Secor R Mimi

What drives people toward their goals? Does motivation come from outside the individual or from within? This text is a concise, engaging overview of leading ... więcej

'p'This newly updated, step-by-step guide to the key points of conducting the GYN exam addresses everything nurse practitioners, NP students, and other ... więcej

Children of Incarcerated Parents, Harris Yvette R.
Nursing History Review, Volume 12, 2004,

This important book covers developmental outcomes of children in this predicament, parenting from prison, and family reunification. It is filled with ... więcej

Nursing History Review , an annual peer-reviewed publication of the American Association for the History of Nursing, is a showcase for the most significant ... więcej

Advanced Practice Nursing Roles,
Occupational Health Psychology, Schonfeld Irvin Sam PhD MPH

The sixth edition of this time-tested text on advanced nursing role development is completely updated to encompass the full complement of current APRN ... więcej

"In general, the authors have provided readers with a thorough overview of research in many different areas of occupational health psychology. In our view ... więcej

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>


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