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The Book Every Teen Should Read, Gonzalez Nicole

What if someone told you that you had the power to change your life? Grasping your emotions, understanding your health and body, building deeper connections with others, overcoming anxiety, and discovering your self-confidence… it’s all attainable. You just need some guidance to get there. In The Book Every Teen Should Read, Nicole Gonzalez introduces you to the power of personal development along with dozens of strategies on how to grow into your best self. Being a teen can be a really challenging time without the tools to enhance your ... więcej

Minecraft Superkompaktowe konstrukcje, McBrien Thomas

„Minecraft. Superkompaktowe konstrukcje" to kolejna odsłona serii książek o niezwykłych miniprojektach, które można zrealizować w Minecrafcie! Nieważne, czy jesteś nowym, czy doświadczonym graczem, z tym podręcznikiem krok po kroku stworzysz niesamowite budowle – kryjówkę w formie przytulnego igloo na wypadek wizyty w śnieżnym biomie, więzienie rodem z Dzikiego Zachodu, aby poskromić tych, którzy zechcieli łamać prawo i burzyć porządek ... więcej

Same Window Different Views, Colbert Tyree

Tyree Colbert is a 16 year old Poet from Kansas City Missouri. This book gives a view into the window I look out of in everyday life. I share experiences with family, death, love, pain and betrayal.

Physical Geography (Yesterday's Classics), Geikie Archibald

Guides the reader in gaining a fuller appreciation of the natural landscape by posing questions and suggesting observations they can make for themselves. Includes such topics as how to determine the shape of the earth, where rain and snow come from, the various ways that water circulates over land, and why the sea is salt. Lays the foundation for a lifetime of ongoing interest in and observation of ever-changing geographical features, with a greater understanding of how it came to be the way it is today.

Minecraft. Projekt pszczoła. Saga Stonesword. Tom 4, Eliopulos Nick

To już czwarta część przygód Morgana, Ash, Harper, Po, Jodi i Theo z nowej serii powieści pt. „Saga Stonesword”, której akcja toczy się w świecie Minecrafta. Tym razem grupa przyjaciół przychodzi z pomocą pszczołom, które – zarówno te w grze, jak i zamieszkujące okolice szkoły – są w tarapatach. Żeby tego dokonać, znajdują sposób na porozumiewanie się z nową, dziwną świadomością zbiorową ... więcej

This Wonderful Universe (Yesterday's Classics), Giberne Agnes

A delightful introduction to the science of astronomy, starting with what can be viewed directly from our location on Earth. In due course, the reader becomes familiar with the moon, the sun, and the planets in our solar system, the meteors and comets that visit us from outer space, as well as the stars and nebulae that reside in outer space. As much as possible, the author puts the reader in the role of discoverer: what can be observed and what can be deduced from the observation. She regularly relates stories of the scientists that made the first discoveries ... więcej

Lśnij, Gonzalez Noelia

Odkryj historię ludzkości zapisaną w gwiazdach rozświetlających nocne niebo. Czy wiesz, jakie są fazy Księżyca? Potrafisz odnaleźć na niebie Gwiazdę Polarną? Czy wiesz, skąd wzięły się nazwy gwiezdnych konstelacji? Tekst autorstwa pisarki naukowej NASA Noelii González i piękne ilustracje Sary Boccaccini Meadows razem tworzą niezwykłą książkę, która stanowi idealny pierwszy przewodnik po nocnym niebie dla całej rodziny!

Far from the Flagpole, Davidson Jo Edward

Jo Edward Davidson is a retired electrical engineer who wrote this book to enlighten high school students about the profession. He hopes his information will assist students to declare their college major and to consider engineering. Far from the Flagpole retells his career highlights through selected case studies that would be completely understandable by high school students who have studied physics. The author says, "Few engineers write about what they did. My aim is to convince more American students to study engineering." The vocational counseling ... więcej

Seven Shades of Sha-g, Mingus Sharon Grann

Sharon was born on April 15, 1946, at the end of World War II. Her father worked for the Veterans Administration, until he retired, and mother worked as a cosmetologist. Sharon was raised in Santa Monica, CA where she integrated her elementary school and, along with her mother, was faced with racism on a daily basis. Sharon was a child prodigy, blessed with an operatic voice, singing at school events and church socials. Her family worked hard to provide her with piano lessons from the age of five years old. Sharon grew into a blossoming teenager whose ... więcej

Life and Her Children, Buckley Arabella B.

An engaging introduction to the invertebrates, beginning with the simple amœbæ and concluding with the complex centipedes, spiders, and six-legged insects. In between the reader encounters a number of groups of animals of increasing complexity, beginning with the living sponge, the traveling jelly-fish, and the wondrous coral-builders, then passing on to the star-fish, sea-urchins, and sea-cucumbers. Next come mussels and snails, cuttle-fish and oysters, followed by creeping worms, and arriving at last at the joint-legged division including crabs ... więcej

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