


Pozycje tego autora w naszej księgarni:

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Znaleziono 7 pasujących rekordów dla kryteriów wyszukiwania
Never Try to Arouse Erotic Love Until . . ., Seerveld Calvin G.
Art History Revisited, Seerveld Calvin G.

The essays in Art History Revisited, introduced by Dirk van den Berg and Henry Luttikhuizen, follow a general course from the historiography of philosophy ... więcej

Cultural Problems in Western Society, Seerveld Calvin G.
Biblical Studies and Wisdom for Living, Seerveld Calvin G.

Cultural Problems in Western Society, introduced by Barbara Carvill, explores the unfavorable conditions in which European society and its Christian artists ... więcej

In the talks, lyrics, and articles in Biblical Studies and Wisdom for Living, introduced by Craig Bartholomew and Peter S. Smith, Seerveld opens Scripture ... więcej

Normative Aesthetics, Seerveld Calvin G.
Redemptive Art in Society, Seerveld Calvin G.

Seerveld is convinced that philosophical aesthetics-systematic reflection on the nature and task of human imaginative life-will be normative when the thought ... więcej

Art, for Seerveld, belongs to the very infrastructure of a good society, in the same way that a country's economy, transportation system, or media network ... więcej

Cultural Education and History Writing, Seerveld Calvin G.

Seerveld sees a central role in education for "understanding and developing history," but then "history" not as rote rehearsal of what has transpired but ... więcej



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